I have gotta be outta all the freakin intellect I am so proud of..!!! How the hell can I have the nerve to follow up posts on Fests, Interview experiences, p***yish tuff, social enlighteners & even wannabe dark posts with..*dare I say it*...Cows..?!?!?! Isn't that whats on your mind now..??

But before u think of

Of course, Cows weren't always so intimidating to me...Before I had left to college ..Cows remained what they were always taught & believed to be...Calm, Quiet & peaceful creatures who had their own languid of going about their daily routine which always put you at ease. For that matter, cows remained no big deal for the best part of my first 2 years in college. Agreed that at times cows outnumbered Humans in my college campus (Who am I kidding..?? They dint just outnumber us students "at times" they were always in majority from day one of my stay in college..!!!!

But then...times began changing....& there was something inherently "different" about the cows we had in my college, something which, in the beginning seemed like an ordinary tendency for any cow...However, when I tried to try out a few experiments on cows elsewhere in different cities, I found that results varied widely, & in some cases the behaviour which was so prominent in the cows of NITT was entirely absent in the cows elsewhere...
So what was so unique about the cows on my campus u ask..??
Well...nothing much really...Just that they could do anything for PAPER..!!!! And when I say anything...Boy oh boy..do I ever mean it....they will do just about anything...Fight each other horn & hoof, charge at the nearest pile of paper within their radius of visibility (Of course, their uncanny precision at times suggests to me that they possess an extraordinary additional sense to satiate their appetite for paper) & even... have a showdown with the innocent guy (I have never seen a gal face this...so wont assume to the contrary...I guess they have enough issues with dogs & crows & dont need to be reminded of cows as well

The most infamous of the paper attacks ever was without a doubt, the one (or was it two ?? whatever..) occasion when a Cow took the liberty of relieving a guy of his lab record by making a meal outta it just because he dared to believe that leaving his record on his cycle stand while he was having lunch would save it from the wrath of nature. Perhaps he wasn't wrong...since when did cows gorging on paper become an act of nature..???

Unofficial reports (Of course they would be unofficial....What "official" news medium did u expect in a campus..??

Of course...cow attacks for paper aren't as rare or even as extreme as the above incident suggests...In fact, its a way of life at NITT... Everyone who has a puff or a pastry in the Bru snacks shop and/or Pearl tea shop and/or Jade tea shop knows that you are in for seriously big trouble if u dont get rid of the paper saucer or whatever it is that lets you hold your food,in a hurry...& if u are having tea/coffee/soup in the ultimate gourmet dish for all cows...the paper cup...You better always bear in mind that the paper cup is NOT your property...and has to be immediately offered to the cows to sustain the peace treaty that has been existing between cows & students for ages.
Anyone who has the affront to keep the paper cup for himself or even keep holding it for a minute longer than the maximum allowable time shall thereby be at the mercy of the cows who may choose to do as they please with him...as people whose asses has been poked into by (luckily) not the very sharp horns of our cows shall testify (Agreed that the blows weren't hard...But it still would have hurt..!!!

Those of you who think that it is perfectly normal for a cow to like paper just because paper are pretty much "processed wood fibre"..Then think again, coz I have tried offering cows in Hyderabad & Kodaikanal, paper while they were eating grass (To determine which one they prefer)...& a few cows sniffed at the paper, some licked it and just took a bite and then left it, and quite a few (Especially those gigantic Kodai cows) didn't even bother with the paper and gave me a look which suggested "Get a life kid...you think I will ever eat this @$$wipe..?!?"

But lets return to talk about the mutant freaks, which are called “Cows” at the NITT campus....
Often...they would look for paper in the most unexpected of locations...For instance, one fine day..I found a cow always staying annoyingly close to me even though I deliberately did not take tea to avoid the same coz of paper cups...& then my junior told me..."Its coz of the slam book that u are carrying..!!!"
Whoa...It chases the paper in a closed slam book too..?!?!

Now that is some desperation..!!! Come to think of it...that was probably also the reason why cows also found my cycle so much more interesting than those of the others coz I had retained some of the original paper cover so that I could use it as an identification....Huh...talk about demand for food..!!!!

But then again...There are times...when Cows become too complex to understand or describe...when things go beyond a mere excessive appetite for paper.... resulting in events that become inexplicably entangled in memory...
& That is what shall form the concluding sequel to my post(s) on COWS..!!!!

……………Stay tuned coz there is lots “Mooooooooo”re to come !!

"when a Cow took the liberty of relieving a guy of his lab record by making a meal outta it just because he dared to believe that leaving his record on his cycle stand while he was having lunch would save it from the wrath of nature."
hahahah!! mast ..i had a similar experience yaar when the bovine thought of solving some irodov problems by itself on one lazy winter afternoon!! the solutions were excreted at a later time!! [:P]
Sahee likha hai bhidu..waiting for mooooooore..:)
@garam bheja fry...
beta u have no idea what awaits u in the next post...that will make this look like just another bovine incident..!! :P
too gud man...cant stop laughing...awaiting the next post...i guess i know wat its gonna be...
kewl post..seems lk u observe a LOT... MBA(Master of Bovine Activites..[:P])
hey thats outrageously funnnnnnny.... u know this incident happened in our area.. ek aadmi cell pe baat kar raha tha..a buffalo came so close to him that uska haat b ke horn mein phas gaya and then poore bus stop pe woh [ buffalo ] bhag raha tha.... eikes... hope nitt cows are not that voilent
Yes...u are probably the one among all of my blog readers who has seen me the most in action in my cow-encounters..!!! :P
Who else would know..?? :D
Aah...Yes...I do observe a lot...that which deserves to be observed never goes unobserved by yours truly..!! :P
hahaha...mast incident hai wo tho... if u think cows aint as violent in NITT...then wait till the next post..!! :P
TOO GOOD MAN.. absolutely hilarious.. even i witnessed a cow relishing someone's assignment[:D]outside the ATM.. very funny..waiting for the next blog[:)]
Ya ya...I have seen our cows eat some pretty interesting things too... But this isn't gonna be just about their eating habits...trust me on that..!! :P
well....somehow i feel there is a possibility tht sme yrs back sme of ur nit-t guys could have been turned to cows...by some curse ...lol...and in that case the 'craving for paper' is seems justified.......
(n also your recent pic on orkut clearly shows ur affinity to paper...u miss your books biig time dont u!!!rofl!!!)
NITT guys turning to cows..!?!? ugghhhh....what abt the female cows then..?? (Ignore the fact that "cows" is essentialy feminine anyways..!! :D )
& hey...take my pic seriously...but dont confuse between my blogs & my orkut avatar..Or else u will end up reading between the lines more than required..!! :P
I hope that the cows learnt how to read from the amount of paper they have eaten . Then I am sure they would highly appreciate the attention you have showered/going to shower on them!
Intensely captivating post!*Moooo*
Last heard that some over-qualified cows went protesting to the director that seats be offered on an OBC (Outstanding & Brilliant Cows) to them..!! :P
Weird Post..
But Good Read anyways, and I was also reminded of a few freakish incidents involving me with cows. Yet, I do not fear them. I marvel at their bovine-ness.
The creature that I fear most is Lizard. However in the last 2 years, since I left hostel, my encounters with Lizards have been limited..
Aah..! Reminds me of how before college I used to be absolutely terrified of creepy insects& used to get disgusted with rats...But have seen the largest of beetles & scorpions & seen in the forests outside my coll...Also rats now live in peace here..So have lost all fear of these...
But if u are wondering why I fear cows so much...answer will be revealed in my next post..!! :P
U would be referring the cows behind pearl hostels rite???
Man not only paper... they liked humans a lot as well.. so many times our asses have been smelt/bitten/poked by these "goddas" (as we used to refer them).. I hope u do them justice in this "mini series" of yours
Thy wishes shalt be fulfilled in the next post..!! :P
& I was referring to cows mainly around the pearl tea shop...& (this is an addition after u left) the bru shop..
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